
Each of us is experiencing a profound personal journey, and the stories we have to tell are beautiful and sad and awe-inspiring and scary. This blog is my story, and I'm excited to share it.

What this blog is about:

- The struggles of a northern country girl living in a fast-paced southern city.
- Homesteading research and planning, like deciding what food to grow and what animals to raise in the cold north.
- Art and creative projects I'm working on.
- My life goals including those related to art, writing, and homesteading.
- Nature and natural science, such as information on species I find interesting both in northern Minnesota and southern California.
- The journey that will lead my boyfriend and I out of the heat and into the snow.

Please read my first blog entry where I explain how I got where I am, where I'm going, and what this blog has to do with it: The Beginning

I would be honored if you joined me. Simply sign up your email address just below and to the right of this text - it's 100% free. By subscribing you become part of my motivational team, even if you never say a word. I need you!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Indiegogo - Help?

This is a short blog to let everyone know I have a crowdfunding campaign live on Indiegogo here: http://igg.me/at/backtothenorthwoods/x/8366308

The whole story is there at that link. Please check it out and pass it on, even if you can't contribute yourself. This means everything to me. Please help me get home to help my family!

Thank you to those of you who have contributed and shared the link so far. I'm at 20% of my goal with 54 days to go!

Perks start at $5 and include access to my book and custom artwork (wildlife, pet portraits, fantasy illustrations, and more).


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