
Each of us is experiencing a profound personal journey, and the stories we have to tell are beautiful and sad and awe-inspiring and scary. This blog is my story, and I'm excited to share it.

What this blog is about:

- The struggles of a northern country girl living in a fast-paced southern city.
- Homesteading research and planning, like deciding what food to grow and what animals to raise in the cold north.
- Art and creative projects I'm working on.
- My life goals including those related to art, writing, and homesteading.
- Nature and natural science, such as information on species I find interesting both in northern Minnesota and southern California.
- The journey that will lead my boyfriend and I out of the heat and into the snow.

Please read my first blog entry where I explain how I got where I am, where I'm going, and what this blog has to do with it: The Beginning

I would be honored if you joined me. Simply sign up your email address just below and to the right of this text - it's 100% free. By subscribing you become part of my motivational team, even if you never say a word. I need you!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Adventure Continues!

So much is happening right now that it's difficult to keep everything straight. My world is a blur, emotions are running high, and I have no idea what the future is going to bring (and that's scary). I'm reminding myself to take things one day at a time, one thing at a time, and everything will get taken care of. Big things are happening, both good and bad!

First, the good.

Last weekend Jordan and I camped high up in the Sierra mountains in King's Canyon National Park, where he proposed!

I said yes!

Our hands are resting on the soft bark of a giant sequoia tree in one of the most beautiful places we've ever been to. I'm working on a big blog post detailing the trip and should have that up this weekend, but my first priority is getting my last week of writing work complete. Then I have a lot of packing to do. I will be shipping my snakes on Monday and flying back to Grand Marais on Tuesday! So much to do!

Now, the bad.

Last week Jordan was laid off from work. Today he found out exactly what our options are concerning our apartment. It would cost roughly $5,000 to break the lease right now, even though his unemployment alone isn't enough to live on until February when our lease is up (our original moving date). Thanks to a severance and my own savings we're okay right now, but it's going to get difficult quickly. We're trying to find someone to sublease, but the rent is high and the apartment isn't in the greatest shape. The complex would likely replace the carpet, repaint the walls and shower, and replace the toilet before renting it. We're not counting on this option, which means Jordan will likely have to stay in CA until February.

The other options suck, though. Jordan could get a full time job and quit in 6 months to move to MN (which is both rude to the company and looks horrible on a resume), or he could get a part time job that has 75% of the wages removed as part of the unemployment terms. The situation sucks all around and we're not quite sure what direction to turn from here.

I know we can get through this, and we'll be stronger for it when we look back on it later.

Still, this move is proving to be more difficult in ways I never saw coming. That's life, eh?

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