I still love my job, and I'm sliding into a pretty good rhythm there. I've learned I'm far better at multitasking than I ever gave myself credit for, but there are a few things I still need to get better at, like keeping track of who's gone where and when they'll be back. I really like having a variety of things to do because it means there's always work to be done. I totally understand why Jordan was so annoyed by all the down time he had at his last job. For me there's always a project on deck!
My mom has one more week left of radiation and chemo, and maybe a couple single appointments before getting a break from it all for a while. There has been a lot of running back and forth to Duluth by myself, my dad, my sister, and friends. I think the time away has been really good for my mom. It forced her to get out there and be social, and she's made some new friends through it. She's also doing far better than the doctors originally predicted. They said after the first two weeks she "won't feel like shopping anymore," but here it is the end of week five and we went to Shopko and ate at BlackWoods before driving home up the shore. She's amazing.
The woods is my gym, and I've been hiking and enjoying the great outdoors when I can. Still working on fixing my diet and adding more exercise into my day. Health has to be a priority, though I banged up my knee pretty badly on a rock while swimming and I probably needed stitches, but it was Sunday and I didn't want to go to the ER. So far it doesn't seem to be infected but I'm keeping an eye on it. Don't be stupid in the woods, kids. You might have to drive home with a sock tied around your knee with string from your hooded sweatshirt (which reminds me, I really need to get a little first aid kit for the car - smart idea, Kristi!).
I've been working on getting a website for my snakes up and running. I've got a little more content to write and then it'll be good to go. I want to get that done ASAP so I can get a few more snakes sold before winter makes shipping more difficult. Selling locally is my last resort.
Next project on the list is a dragon costume. I'm excited to bring this character to life! I was going to try to get it done by the end of the month, but it will probably take me a couple weeks.
I'm going to do the NaNoWriMo challenge this year and get my book written during the month of November. Each day I will have a certain number of pages that have to be done, and I will do them. With any luck I'll have it all edited and ready by January and then I can get back to the art side of things. One creative focus at a time is how these things are going to get done!
Thanks for reading!